CCariker - Dream Interpretation and Tarot Reading

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CCariker - Dream Interpretation and Tarot Reading in Horsens

Have a chat with CCariker - Dream Interpretation and Tarot Reading in Horsens today. 15-20 years of experience in Tarot Reading. We are more than our physical bodies. Knowing that we must also take care of the soul or spirit. I have been blessed to be a fourth generation reader.One statement that has bonded itself to me is, " For lack of knowledge we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. " I use Tarot cards as a tool for better understanding. My approach is nonjudgmental. I read and advise on any subject, or topic that is of concern with accuracy. Tarot Cards are a tool I use as a guide to provide accurate, caring readings, tailored to each clients' need or needs. I thank you for allowing me to be of service to you, to help you find clarity as you search for the answers to guide your heart, and soul. Please have clear questions for me, and please come to me with an open mind and heart. No matter why you come, I once again thank you for allowing me to share and offer my gift for you to have a clear, nonjudgmental understanding of whatever troubles the mind and soul. I look forward to your call , and the opportunity to be of service and help in your time of need. I was raised Pagan, and to always have an open mind. With that said I knew from a very young age that I was clairvoyant, having a for knowledge of things that have not happened yet, or having knowledge about a persons' life that no one else knew. My mother, 'God rest her soul", knew before I did that I had certain gifts and abilities as I would tell her things about events that had not happened or details about someones life with astounding accuracy. My mother would not treat me any different than any of her other children, as she knew that each of us possessed a different gift or gifts. I am one of 18 children. I had a twin sister that passed some years ago from illness. She to displayed that same abilities as me. We were born in Russia, than moved here to the states when I was nearly 11 years old. I am what is called a 4th generation reader. Which simply means that my mother, my grandmother, and great grandmother all posses the same gifts as myself. I use tarot cards as a way of interpreting the past, present, and the future. I am also clairvoyant. I am able to see intimate details of a persons' life, or events that have not yet happened. I also connect with people emotionally as I am also an Empath. With the help of my spirit guides I am able to interpret dreams, also perform powerful spells of protection, and also remove spells they may have been placed on a person. After years of study and meditation I have been called to stand in the trenches and intercede and bring clarity to some of life's questions. Each person has gifts, allow me to use mine to enrich your spirit. No matter the issue I am here.

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