AnimaSolis - Dream Interpretation and Tarot Reading in Horsens
Chat with AnimaSolis - Dream Interpretation and Tarot Reading in Horsens online. 5-10 years of experience in Tarot Reading. Hello there my friends;i just wanted to take some time to introduce myself : i am the "ANIMA SOLIS" and i am a psychic on Oranum. Feeling down?Irritation and nervousness?Anxiety and depression?Social phobia and relationship issues?Middle age crysis or agedness fear of death?Just a few from a long list of malaises that choke you everyday and prevent you from really living. WHAT CAN I DO for you?I mean more than just giving you a simple prediction about your future? I can help you cope with those malaises,I will help you in teaching yourself how to find your own Universe inside and hold it in your hand. Together we can find the solutions you need,all it takes is WANTING,you set yourself a goal and all the limits dissipate,you LOVE and slowly you start breathing again,you ACCEPT so you can UNDERSTAND better,you GO DEEPER so you can GROW and to define your OWN VALUES. My BEST SKILLS are : 1) TAROT CARDS READINGS - RELATIONSHIP SPREAD/LOVE MATCH/SOULMATE - STUDIES/CAREER CHOICE/DESTINY PATH - PERSONALITY SPREAD if you want to learn more about yourselves or about other people around you. You have to understand that the future is not something predestined,whenever i predict about someone's future i always tell that the future i predicted is in that person's actual state of mind and everything i see or fell about that person i will say it straight away,i will not go easy on that because my best interest is to help that person,i always prefer a painful truth rather then a sweet lie. Also by using my SPECIAL PERSONALITY SPREAD i can see all about a person's way of being on all aspects of that person's life and also i see the shatered pieces in that persons's personality wich i will help to stick them back together. 2) DREAM INTERPRETATION as messages coming from the Universe to your psyche. The funny thing is that most people ignore their own dreams because they consider dreams to be just insignificant,but let me tell you that they are wrong.WHY?Because dreams are always carying messages. Dreams are coming from our subconscious,who always has the tendancy to compensate or to keep a balance between it and our CONSCIOUS. The more someone ignores his SUBCONSCIOUS,the more intense dreams will come and for that reason there will be like an interior conflict between SUBCONSCIOUS and CONSCIOUS wich will lead to mental disorder like nervous breakdowns,depression,anxiety,double personality or even worse broken personality,of course depending on that person's personality. 3) LIFE COACHING - i can help people overpass bad periods in their lives."FOR HE WHO WANTS TO FINSH THE MASTER PIECE OF HIS LIFE,HE HAS TO LEARN TO WORK WITH THE SUN,WITH THE ANIMA SOLIS". " EVERYONE OF US IS A GENIUS IN HIS OWN WAY,BUT IF YOU JUDGE A FISH BY HIS ABILTIY TO CLIMB A TREE IT WILL LIVE ALL HIS LIFE THINKING HE IS STUPID" EINSTEIN quote. Coment by ANIMA SOLIS - "Instead of being imperfect in perfection it's better to be perfect in your own imperfection.To determine the real nature of something we must first understand the meaning of existence of that something.Us human beings are not born to be perfect,we were born TO BE UNIQUE:and as long as most people are not that perfect to recognize in total their own imperfection i tell you for sure that none of the actions or things we do are not perfect." 4) ENERGY HEALER ABOUT ME: My experience goes back 10 years when I realised that I can see things diferent,first I thought there's something wrong with me,but then I started studying philoshopy,psychology,alchemy and kabbalah wich helped me very much to understand my own feelings and others better,also improved my social life and I started sharing to others what I think about life and everything that happens in it;I realised that being a real human being with a lot of love and empathy can do miracles for people that are in pain,people who need a shoulder to cry on,people who depressive,people that generally got knocked down by life,those where the kind of people I wanted to pick up and I did that because that's just the way I am;I can't describe in words the feeling I get after helping someone,it's just something that fills my heart with great joy and it also helps me understand the true meaning of my life.My whole life experience helped me develop my skills in life coaching,observing other's psyche problems and trying to solve them using my kabbalah knowledge,CELTIC CROSS or TETRAKTYS layouts and my psychology skills,especially the psychological process of integrating the opposites, including the conscious with the unconscious,dream (messages from God) interpretation in the process of individuation. YOU can check out MY TESTIMONIALS so you can get a clearer picture of what i can do for you and also i will post some short writings of mine,things that i understand about life and love to SHARE with others,so you can see the way i am. 1) " Just as 1 is actually 2,the same 2 means everything,because everything is 1, the only ONE. One day my soul asked me: - Why are you so sad? - Because I need a soulmate,I answered. - Why do you need a soulmate,he asked. - The same reason you need your shadow,I answered. He became outraged and said: - Shadow?I do not have a shadow and I am just fine without one. - Are you sure?I asked. - Of course,I”m just perfect,he said. - Then let me ask you this:what would the Sun be without the Moon? - Still the Sun,but even better,the Sun will be the only one on the sky,it will feel perfect. - Are you sure? - I am positive. - What do you think is the Sun”s reason to be?I asked. - He is there to create light,he answered. - For who? - For all the life forms that can see him,he said. I continued: - So,you say that the Sun is perfect and he is there to create light for us? - Yes. - Then how do you think the Sun will feel when he realises that the people only want him because they don”t know anything else but the Sun? - Unsatisfied,I guess. - Exactly,he will feel like a failure,he will feel uncomplete;and that is why the Sun needs the Moon,for people to want for what he realy is – something that lights the dark.So you see,my dear soul,just like the Sun needs the Moon,you need your shadow so that you can be complete for me and not perfect for you and that is why I need a soulmate:NOT TO BE PERFECT,JUST TO BE COMPLETE." 2) "If you feel the need to cry,just cry;if you feel the need to laugh,just laugh;if you feel the need to do something,just do it.Why? Because you are your own master as long as you do everything you feel the need to do,whenever you feel it,without being afraid of others reaction to your being. If you start throwing away your feelings and desires just so you won't be judged or considered weak or crazy by others you will unconsciously become those people's slave. MY ADVICE is : always do whatever you feel the need to do as long as you don't brake morals and ALWAYS try to be yourselves in every situation and look around you;if there is someone left around then that's who deserves the best that is in you and even if there's nobody around left you will still have you,your REAL SELF." 3) "Never forget who you realy are,never let peole change you into something they want you to be,don't forget that you are a wonderful human being and that you have inside of you a great power to change the world and to create beautiful souls! ALWAYS LIVE NICE and try to MEAN something good in others life,ALWAYS back down when you feel that you NO LONGER BELONG in someone's life or soul and START OVER whenever you find it necessary.' 4) "In our uniqueness as human beings we all have free will : we can exist to live everything or we can live nothing just to exist." THE COCLUSION - everything you need to understand from my introduction is that I am not satisfied with only predicting about your future,I ALWAYS GO DEEPER - I CAN HELP YOU ACCEPT AND LEARN YOUR LESSONS FROM THE PAST SO YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR PRESENT BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN HELP YOU WORK ON YOUR NEW FUTURE,A BETTER ONE." THANK YOU all for reading this,hope you got the right notion about me and i will be in my room for you.LOVE YOU all and may the ANIIMASOLIS guide your souls.
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